We regenerate!

Together with our partners, we generate momentum for real socio-ecological change.

Combination of two images water and plants
green water from above

Our Vision

We maintain a holistic network, thereby recognizing existing projects and their potential, and develop our own projects in the community. Through the network and the use of the latest technologies, we engage people. We create real-world examples that serve as models for entire regions and make our findings available to everyone.

Our Goals


Multidisciplinary Solutions

Co-creating multidisciplinary solutions with all stakeholders to develop a collaborative and prosperous economy that builds resilience at the local level and enables financial inclusion.


Decentralized Processes

Increased community participation in local decision-making processes, with inclusion of decentralized governance processes, including through the use of blockchain-based tools such as DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations).


Sustainable Ecosystems

Promoting healthy and regional food and sustainable agriculture for intact ecosystems and an economic agricultural sector.


Strong Relationships

Incubate entrepreneurs and cooperatives, create value chains for sustainable market opportunities that consider everyone.


Innovative Technologies

Use of innovative technologies such as Web 3.0 and blockchain for sustainable and regional energy production.



Create a network of networks to share and implement best practice experiences and contributions across the region that can be visualized through token economies.

picture from under water

Our Mission

With our systemic approach, we connect people, organizations and companies. We develop innovative projects and use the latest technologies to solve the most urgent problems of our planet. We create a livable future for generations to come.To be able to start a successful change here, the Regeneration Cooperative and its partners focus on education around the topic of regeneration.

Our Services

Ecosystem as a Service (EaaS)

Thanks to our EaaS, an executive can be involved in collaboration on relevant topics without artificial barriers to expand opportunities for creating impact. An impact investor has visibility into the performance of new initiatives so resources can be focused on the most promising innovations.

Partner: Impact Integrity GmbH with hypha.earth

Regenerative Coaching

We coach holistically and systemically to adapt their organization/community so that a new way of leading and redesigning can be built into their organization/community.

Partner: Impact Integrity GmbH

Token for Change

We design and use blockchain technology together with Generation Z for decisions, decision-making processes and mapping of values.

Partner: Association integrity.earth

Local Currency and internal Tokens

We help you experiment with a local or intra-organizational token or currency to experience the potential of blockchain-based tokens as a medium of exchange or as a form of governance and decision-making.

Partner: Association integrity.earth

Before/during/after company formation

We advise and support startups and companies - before, during and after the foundation - for a quick decision, foundation, implementation and development of the idea.

Partner: Beck Vision GmbH

Integral Way of Living

In partnership with the University of Liechtenstein and our partners, we are researching future-proof and climate-positive lifestyles.

Partner: Association integrity.earth

Our Team

Portrait von Franz Allmayer
Franz Allmayer
Co-Founder Impact integrity
Portrait von Lisa Allmayer
Lisa Allmayer
Co-Founder Impact integrity
Portrait von Gebhard Beck
Gebhard Beck
Co-founder Beck vision
Portrait von Kapish Dutta
Kapish Dutta
Co-Creator integrity.earth
Portrait von Gaston Fehr
Gaston Fehr
Co-Creator integrity.earth

Fancy a project with us?

You like what you have read? Contact us and together we will create real socio-ecological change.